Veteran Short-Term Relief Request

About the initiative
VCU Military Student Services aims to offer temporary financial relief to support student veterans, active-duty servicemembers, and dependents enrolled at VCU. We provide assistance through gift cards ranging from $25 to $50, with a mission to facilitate a smooth transition into college life and promote the well-being of individuals throughout their academic journey.
Initial criteria consideration
Note: Please be advised that we may not always have a specific gift card that aligns with your particular need.
Assistance Evaluation
Aid will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Immediate needs may include the following examples:
- delays or gaps in tuition assistance or benefits
- job loss
- loss of a loved one leading to financial insecurity
- transportation issues
- food insecurity
- lack of school supplies or related essentials
The application is free of charge for all applicants. Eligibility for this temporary relief extends to all student veterans, active duty servicemembers, or dependents currently enrolled and utilizing educational benefits at VCU. Students are eligible to receive this temporary relief once per academic semester/year. In the event that no aid is available during the initial application, a student may reapply within the same semester/year. VCU MSS will maintain a record of all submitted applications.
Please feel free to contact the VCU MSS office with any questions or require further clarification.